Lekhak Ek Natyachhata Anek – Ekankika Spardhotsav – November 2014
Lekhak Ek Natyachhata Anek (One writer, Many ) is a one-act-play competition organized by Prayog Malad and to be held in November 2014 that showcases & highlights the one-act-plays written by Late Shri. Vinod Hadap.
कै.विनोद हडप लिखित २० दर्जेदार एकांकिका, त्यातील सहभागी १३ सेलिब्रिटींच्या मार्गदर्शनातून साकारलेला महाराष्ट्रातील पहिला अागळा वेगळा भव्य एकांकिका स्पर्धोत्सव.
List of Finalists